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About Patrick Post

Solar Power and Battery Power Storage to Reduce the World’s Dependence on Fossil Fuels

By Patrick Post


My name is Patrick Post and during the last 20 years I have dedicated my life to discovering how to use solar power and battery power storage to reduce the world’s dependence on fossil fuels. This quest began shortly after the tragedy on 9/11, that shocked America and the world, and it was partially caused from the immense global demand for an ever-declining supply of fossil fuels.


Through my group Sustainable Planet USA Organization I have developed a revolutionary and futuristic plan to cost-effectively expand solar power and battery power storage throughout the United States and worldwide. Because of a lack of response to implementing my proposals from government and business leaders, I decided to run for U.S. congress (D) Florida District 19, so I would have a better opportunity to promote these renewable energy concepts, This district includes Marco Island, Naples, Bonita Springs, Estero, Ft. Myers, as well as Sanibel and Captiva Islands.


It is critical to understand that each year 5000 times more solar energy reaches Earth, than all the energy we consume annually, and it is the only energy source that is free, clean, unlimited, and delivered directly to everyone on Planet Earth. It also can be used to power our homes and buildings and effectively recharge the batteries of all the world's future electric vehicles. This concept is the future of our planet, and it will progressively reduce our overdependence on dirty fossil fuels.


One aspect of my plan focuses on expanding solar and power storage by requiring it to be installed during the construction of new homes, apartments, condos, and other buildings which are three stories or less. There is a huge financial benefit when installing renewable energy systems in new construction at large residential communities with multiple units. It is that it will cost 1/3 the price ($15,000) for a typical 36 solar panel system as compared to installing similar systems in existing structures ($45,000). The payback period will be 5-7 years, as compared to retrofitting existing structures at 15-21 years. The biggest benefit is that these systems will commonly generate over $100,000 in free and clean electricity during the 30+ year life of the renewable energy equipment. Another benefit is that structures that have the systems, will not lose power if the grid goes down.


The U.S. federal government has high national energy efficiency regulations for vehicles, but it has no national energy efficiency regulations for homes and buildings. President Joe Biden or the U.S. congress could decide to require that all new three story or less homes, apartments, condos, and buildings in the U.S. must include solar power and battery power storage. California has already implemented this regulation in January 2020. This national requirement would create one million new jobs in the first year. It is important to know that by implementing a new national building code regulation, it would not cost the federal government any money and it would provide new tax revenues to the U.S. federal government and state governments from the wages of one million new workers. The cost of solar power has progressively declined each year, while its efficiency has increased. Once the commitment is made to require solar and power storage when building new structures, the price of the equipment will decline further from greatly increased mass production.


Some people have been concerned that requiring the installation of $15,000 systems in new structures will significantly raise the price of a new home. This is not correct because if applied through a 30-year mortgage, it will only raise the average monthly payment by $40 a month and it will lower the average monthly electric utility bill by over $80 a month. This will reduce the cost to live in the home and it will allow more people to qualify for buying a home or potentially purchase a slightly more expensive residence. By installing these systems in lower-income housing, this will finally make it possible for middle-income and lower-income citizens to afford and experience the energy stability, comfort, and financial benefits of renewable energy systems at their residences.


I have attached a letter to the United Nations briefly explaining some of the aspects of my project and my considerable long-term efforts to promote these concepts throughout the U.S. I requested that the United Nations evaluate my proposals for potential global implementation. I also have attached a summary addressed to President Joe Biden explaining the project and a three-page detailed plan that outlines how to reinvent America's electric grids. I am confident these concepts can be quickly and cost-effectively implemented in the U.S. and in every country globally to begin freeing the world's dependence on fossil fuels by using solar power for most of our energy needs.


As part of this effort to promote solar power and battery power storage, I have attached a proposal addressed to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and dated April 22, 2022, that highlights my plans for creating a futuristic 50-mile solar powered light-rail transportation system with bike and pedestrian pathways for Southwest Florida. I am requesting a meeting with you to discuss the viability of this project. I hope to attain your support and endorsement for this $1.25 billion project ($25 million a mile) which is a similar cost to building a new toll road. I sent this same information to Governor DeSantis three years ago and he sent it to the Florida Department of Transportation for evaluation. They responded to me and suggested that I contact all my local city and county leaders to attain their support. I did this and I reached out to dozens of people asking for their comment and involvement. I received many positive responses, and I am now reintroducing this solar powered light-rail transportation and bike/pedestrian pathway system for Southwest Florida.


My past national organizational experience includes creating and managing the American Literacy Association from 1990-Present, Our organization received nationwide support for encouraging the use of technology to increase the reading skills of young children through captioned cartoon programming that is shown on TV. Upon request, I can provide additional support materials on this literacy project and my efforts to promote renewable energy, including past letters of support from governors, senators as well as federal and state leaders.


I look forward to your response to my proposals.


Kind regards,


Patrick Post - Executive Director

S.W. Florida Light-Rail and Bike/Pedestrian Pathway Organization

239-738-0115 or 239-738-0404

Southwest Florida Light-Rail Bike Pedestrian Pathway Organization